frog spawn |
When they hatch, a tadpole comes out. This is the second stage. First, the tadpoles will eat their old shell. Then they will also eat algae.
newly hatched tadpoles |
Tadpoles are the strangest stage. Soon the tadpole will grow two strong back legs. The tadpole is going to need to swim even faster then a fish or it will eat it. Soon it will turn into a froglet.
developing tadpoles |
The third stage, the froglet, is the first to breathe. The froglet is exactly the same as a frog, but it has a tail.
froglet |
At last the froglet will turn into a frog. This is the fifth stage. The frog has developed a sticky tongue to catch flies. The frog can walk, but it can't wait to jump!
adult frog |